Among the Eagles and Pines

Balancing the practical with the fun chaos of life.

How to Host an Awesome “Dragon Masters” Birthday Party

My great nephew, like most children his age at the moment, is into the Dragon Masters book series by Tracey West.

He can not get enough!

Playing dragons with his friends at recess and lunch at school, drawing and naming dragons and quizzing us all on dragon names, abilities and masters seems to be his fulltime job.

So, as his seventh birthday rolled around we surprised him with a Dragon Masters theme party and have tried to capture it all here to help you host one for your Dragon Masters fan!

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Our party centered around the birthday boy and his guests being chosen by the Dragon Stone and becoming Dragon Masters. Invitations were sent to all. (Get a free printable copy HERE!) The invitations were printed on parchment-like paper and rolled into a scroll before being passed out to those invited to the party.

On party day guests were met at the door with a sign welcoming all Dragon Masters recruits…

Get the FREE printable version HERE!

…and each child was presented with a Dragon Stone necklace upon entering (we made them with jute string and sea glass).

Once everyone arrived – our “Town Crier” read the following proclamation:

Free, printable version available HERE!

The proclamation was printed on parchment-like paper and rolled up to look like a scroll – opened and read aloud in a “Town Crier” official voice!

The “Town Crier” then read out a list of Challenges (Games) and the fun began. Note: I did not include a game list here as you will, undoubtedly have your own list of games. I have included a description of the games we played below.

After completing the challenges (playing the games) we presented each child with their Dragon Masters certificate and their own stuffed dragon.

Free, printable version available HERE!
Dragon stuffie

We took pictures and, while the children ate the snacks, I printed them to hang on the wall (and for the kids to take home) as part of the Dragon Masters gallery.

The Dragon Masters gallery was hung before the party – we photocopied a few dragon pictures from the books and added the Dragon and Master’s names – leaving space to add the stuffed dragons pictures and our new Dragon Masters to the mix.

Each child named their dragon (or used their dragon name from the “What’s Your Dragon’s Name game linked below) and the picture was hung on the gallery wall with the other dragons and their masters. (we also removed the “Recruit” part of the display, as the birthday boy and his friends were now “officially” Dragon Masters!

Gallery 1

Games / Challenges

Help the Dragon Breathe Fire

A “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” game reimagined to “Pin the Fire by the Dragon’s Mouth”. Blind-folded and spun around three times, each child takes turns trying to correctly place a flame near the unseen dragon’s mouth.

A Pin the Tail on the Donkey type game with a dragon and fire
Feed the Dragons

We covered an old bean bag toss game with a sheet of bristol board on which I drew open-mouthed dragons to catch the bean bag “food”. The children took turns trying to get a bean bag into a mouth – if they couldn’t after 3 tries, they took a step forward and tried again. Everyone got at least one in, eventually!

Bean Bag Toss Game
Carry the Baby Dragons Safely to their Nest

Egg and spoon-type game. We found large “dinosaur / dragon” eggs at the $ Store and gave one (along with a spoon) to each child. They had to carry their egg to the other end of the room to the nest. Some were able to carry it standing straight up on the spoon, some had to lay it down and a few we had to provide bigger spoons. They all saved the babies, tho’

Baby Dragon Eggs
Defeat Astrid

We photocopied a picture of Astrid , the bad wizard, from a Dragon Masters books, made it a bit bigger and hung it from a string in the middle of the room. (Outside would have been better and was our plan but it rained the day of our party). The kids used a nerf gun to hit Astrid and defeat him – if you are adverse to using the gun, have the kids throw small sponge balls at the swinging Astrid target and try to hit him (give him a sore belly) and make him retreat in defeat!

What’s Your Dragon’s Name

We made up our own, “What’s your Dragon’s Name” game. The children and their parents found their names while they were waiting for their turn while playing the other games. You can download ours through the link below the graphic or make up your own, it’s kind of fun coming up with strange dragon names!

Dragon's Name Game
Get a Free, Printable copy HERE!


We held our party at 2:00 in the afternoon, so not a lot of meal food was needed. Most people ate lunch before coming and were planning on eating dinner at home afterward (although, most were so full when they left – no dinner was needed!)

The birthday boy’s mom and grandma made up some sandwiches and muffins and created a yummy, giant birthday cookie and we provided the dragon snacks.

Dragon Breath and Fire Balls

Dragon Fire Breath – Cut a simple toothed mouth out of a watermelon. Use the cut out piece to create eyes and scales and attach them with toothpicks. Use a melon baller (or cut up cubes of the watermelon to make a mouth cavity and fill it – spilling out onto the plate with red and orange fruit pieces. We also had a plate of sweet peppers cut to look like flames (Sorry, I didn’t get a picture).

Fire Balls – I looked for cheesie balls but could not find any locally so we improvised and used cheese and caramel popcorn as “Fire Balls”.

Dragon Masters Birthday Party - Dragon Breath - Dragon Watermelon with cut fruit
Dried Dragon Fire

Mix regular and Nacho Doritos and serve as “dried Dragon Fire”!

Dried Dragon Fire - Doritos
Dragon Scales with Lava Dip

Triangle nacho chips or “POP-Corners” make nice dragon scales and pair nicely with a salsa / cream cheese “lava” dip.

Salsa / cream cheese - Lava Dip
Dragon Bones dipped in Primordial Ooze

Baby carrots make great dragon bones and the kids loved dipping them in “primordial ooze”; also know as, avocado. You could use a full guacamole dip but my nephew loves mashed avocado, so we went with that.

Baby Carrots and Avocado dip

We did just kind of, pick all afternoon but everyone left full and happy!

Dragon Masters Birthday Cake

We did not have a birthday cake, per se – we had a giant birthday cookie but there are a number of internet sites and Pinterest links that show how to make dragon cakes and cupcake dragon cakes. Check out some we found, below:

Dragon Masters Birthday Cake from Waltzing Matilda

Dragon Cake How To by Waltzing Matilda

Dragon cupcake cake from All Things Pretty

Dragon Cupcake cake from AllThingsPretty

3D Dragon Cake - Shorties Funny Farm

3D Dragon Cake from Shorties Funny Farm

We hope you have a wonderful Dragon Masters party. If you liked our ideas check out some of our other Fun and Game Posts:


Have you hosted a Dragon Masters Party? Show and/or tell us about it in the comment section below! Share you ideas with others!


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