Among the Eagles and Pines

Balancing the practical with the fun chaos of life.

The First Taste of Summer, Strawberry Rhubarb Sweet Rolls!

Strawberry Rhurarb Sweet Rolls

Yummmm! Strawberry Rhubarb Rolly Polly!

OK, I may be pushing the season a bit but it will feel like summer when you sample these strawberry rhubarb sweet rolls.

I was out and about yesterday, the sun was shining and fresh strawberries were on sale at the grocery store. (Yes, they are imported, but they looked so good!) I knew I had rhubarb home in the freezer and could not think of a better way to forget about cold winter days and embrace the warm sunshine coming through my window.

Strawberry picking at River Breeze Farm
Check out RiverBreeze’ Farm’s Facebook page for U-Pick Dates

Don’t get me wrong, I love winter! I love living in Nova Scotia where we get four distinct season and I wait in anticipation for each one. But, when one is coming to a close I am ready for the next!

Today is the first day of Spring and although we don’t really get fresh, local strawberries and rhubarb here until June – I always think of Strawberry Rhubarb Sweet Rolls, which growing up we called Rolly Pollies as a Spring dessert. It incorporates the first fruits of our growing season.

Each Spring, my family would go on an adventure to a local Strawberry field and pick several flats of Strawberries. I think Mom and Dad did most of the picking – somehow more of the berries ended up in my belly than in the basket??? Dad would always joke that they should weigh us on the way in and the way out…

…but, fresh strawberries meant strawberry jam and combining them with the rhubarb in our backyard meant – oh, strawberry rhubarb jam – my favorite.

Once home, we got to work: hulling and washing and chopping. Mom and Dad would start the jam while we bagged up the rest of the prepared berries for the freezer to be used in yummy treats all winter. When everything was tidied away, Mom would take the few berries she had set aside and make sweet rolls for after supper.

They still remind me of carefree spring days and the promise of summer!

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Strawberry Rhubarb Rolly Polly Recipe

Serve warm or cold with whipped cream.
Serving Size:
1 Roll
20 min


500g (2 cups) water
250g (1 cup) sugar
344g (2 3/4 cups) Flour
20g (4 1/2 tsp) Baking Powder
2g (1/2 tsp) Salt
167g (2/3 cup) Butter
250 ml (1 cup) Milk
500g (2 Cups) Rhubarb – cut in 12mm (1/2″) pieces
250g (1 Cup) Strawberries – sliced
83g (1/3c) Sugar
5g (1 1/2 tsp) Cinnamon
14g (1 Tbsp) Butter


COMBINE sugar and water in a 9×12 glass pan. Microwave on high for one minute. Stir with a fork to dissolve sugar. set aside.

MIX dry ingredients, (flour, Baking Powder & salt) in a medium bowl or stand mixer.

CUT in butter with a pastry blender (or cut into small pieces and blend in stand mixer).

Cut in butter

ADD milk, all at once and mix until combined. Turn out on a floured surface, kneading 20-30 times until you have a smooth ball.

ROLL out to an approximately 25cmx30cm (10″x12″) rectangle and cover thinly with butter.

SPREAD evenly with rhubarb and strawberry pieces and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

ROLL up lengthwise along the 30cm (12″) edge. Pinch ends and seam to seal.

CUT into 12 equal 2.5cm (1″) slices and place cut side down in the pan containing the syrup mixture.

Strawberry Rhubarb Sweet Rolls

Bake at 232* C (450* F) for 25 to 30 minutes.

The First Taste of Summer, Strawberry Rhubarb Sweet Rolls!

Serve warm or cool with ice or whipped cream with syrup drizzled on top.

The First Taste of Summer
Strawberry Rhubarb Sweet Rolls

I hope you enjoy these strawberry rhubarb sweet rolls.

Have you tried this recipe? Let us know in the comments below how they turned out!


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