Among the Eagles and Pines

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How to Make 10 Wonderful Haddock Recipes

Haddock Bubbly Bake with Boiled Potatoes

Serve up some fresh Nova Scotia Haddock Today!

I think every Nova Scotian home has (or should have) a number of haddock recipes in their favourite recipes notebook or box. Growing up we ate fish at least once a week and haddock was a staple. We ate pretty simply, a lot of fish and vegetables from the garden, a few spices but not a great amount and a lot of the recipes listed below (although not all my own) remind me of happy family times around the dinner table. Good food and great company.

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Is Haddock Good for You?

Haddock is a white fish, similar to cod, snapper, halibut and flounder. White fish are generally rich in protein and micronutrients like selenium, phosphorous, magnesium and Vitamin B12. Haddock also contains omega-3 fatty acids and low-levels of mercury. It is also quite tasty!

Where does Haddock Live?

Haddock are native to the North Atlantic Ocean. In Western North Atlantic they are fished from Newfoundland to New Jersey. Most in Canada are found in the Bay of Fundy (Check out our Whale Watching in the Bay of Fundy post here!), the Southern Scotian Shelf and George’s Bank.

Where to Buy Haddock in Nova Scotia?

You can buy fresh or frozen haddock in most grocery stores in Nova Scotia or at specialty fish shops such as:

Haddock Recipes

1) Butter Baked Haddock
Butter Baked Haddock Recipe
Picture and Recipe from “Now Cook This”

Butter baked haddock is one of my favorite fish dishes. Growing up we ate fish at least once a week and haddock was a staple. I’ve never used a recipe and just followed what my mother did but I have recently found this recipe at : “Now Cook This” and it tastes very much like my childhood memories.

2) Haddock Bubbly Bake
Browned Haddock Bubbly Bake

A favorite Nova Scotia dish served with broccoli, peas or other fresh vegetables. A warm comfort food casserole.


  • 3 Tbsp melted butter
  • 2 lbs fresh (or thawed, frozen) Haddock
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • Salt and Pepper (garlic power, optional) to taste
  • 1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup
  • 1 cup chopped broccoli or a can of peas
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese


  • Preheat oven to 350* F
  • Melt butter in the bottom of a large casserole dish
  • Layer fresh (or thawed) haddock fillets in the butter
  • Sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic
  • Cover with a layer of chopped onions and a layer of vegetables (broccoli, peas, carrots – traditionally Nova Scotians use broccoli but often improvise with what is on hand)
  • Cover everything with a can of Cream of Mushroom soup
  • Top with Shredded cheddar cheese and
  • Bake for about 40 min. until the broccoli is soft and the fish is flaky.

3) Baked Haddock with Egg Sauce
Haddock Recipe - Haddock in Egg Sauce
Recipe and Image from “Recipe Originals”

This is a new recipe for me – I grew up eating Haddock in white sauce (see recipe below) but have never had it in egg sauce. It was wonderful. Try the recipe from: Recipe Originals!

4) Haddock Chowder
Haddock Chowder
Recipe and Image from Dociatta Lifestyle

Fish Chowder has always been a staple in Nova Scotia and every family has their favourite twist! But, no matter the “secret” ingredient(s), they all have a common base: fresh fish, cream and butter. There is a wonderful recipe at Docaitta Lifestyle. I have tried it and found it delicious! It is very similar to mine own recipe except I add carrots instead of celery, cream instead of evaporated milk and paprika instead of tarragon. See everyone has their own twist! begin with the basics and see what you come up with!

5) Pan Fried Haddock

Pan Fried Haddock is a simple recipe, similar to butter baked haddock but a little crispier, as it is fried.


  • 4 – 6 Haddock Fillets
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup flour (in a wide, shallow dish)
  • 1 egg, slightly beaten (in another wide, shallow dish)
  • 1 Tbsp butter


  • Place fillets on a paper towel and pat dry
  • Mix salt and pepper with the flour in a wide, shallow dish
  • Melt butter in a frying pan over low-medium heat
  • One at a time, dip each fillet in the egg and then in the flour coating both sides
  • drop the coated fillet into the butter-ready pan and fry lightly (3-5 minutes) on each side until the coating is crispy and brown and the inside is white and flaky.
  • Enjoy with fresh steamed green beans or other vegetables.

6) Ginger Soy Glazed Haddock
Ginger and Soy Glazed Haddock
Recipe and Image from Platter Talk

I have just tried this recipe, and am so excited I have found it. Growing up we ate a lot of fish – haddock in particular but, my father did not like many spices so most of my mothers cooking was fairly simple – salt and pepper were the most common spices in the cupboard. She; however, like me loved ginger and soy and many spices and flavours. I’m sure she would have loved this recipe for Ginger Soy Glazed Haddock from Platter Talk. Ummm, and those brussel sprouts look amazing!

7) Parmesan Crusted Haddock
Parmesan Crusted Haddock Recipe
Image and Recipe from “Writing Home About”

Parmesan cheese, fresh fish, what can I say. This recipe from Writing Home About is one of my favourites!

8) Fish and Chips
Image and Recipe from Kitchen Divas

the Kitchen Divas have a great recipe for fish and chips (Deep Fried Haddock in Pancake Batter) a staple at every restaurant, pub and home in Nova Scotia – Check it out here – Kitchen Divas’ Recipe! They have even added a Beer Battered option in their recipe.

9) Simple Broiled Haddock
Broiled Haddock

Looking for a quick, easy haddock recipe? A few spices, a dab of butter and a few minutes under the broiler – done! This broiled haddock recipe from All Recipes is quick, simple and delicious!

10) Haddock with White Sauce

This is how I remember eating haddock most while growing up. I love haddock in white sauce. You can add spices or melt in a little cheddar to change it up. I also use this white sauce and cheese sauce recipe for Creamed peas on toast and it is very similar to my Lobster Newburg Recipe.


  • 2 Lbs Fresh (or thawed, frozen) Haddock
  • 2 Tbsp Butter
  • 2 Tbsp Flour
  • 1/4 Tsp Salt
  • 1/8 Tsp Pepper
  • 1 Cup Milk


  • Cheese Sauce: Add 1/4 tsp of dried mustard to the flour and 1/2 c shredded cheddar once thickened
  • Spiced: Add 1 tsp fresh dill and a dash of nutmeg or 1 tsp paprika


  • In a heavy sauce pan, melt butter over low to medium heat
  • Add flour and whisk until smooth
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper
  • Gradually add milk, stirring constantly until thickened
  • Serve warm over baked or broiled haddock

Do you have favourite haddock recipes? Share it with us in the comment section below. We would love to try it!

Check out some of our other seafood recipes:


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