Among the Eagles and Pines

Balancing the practical with the fun chaos of life.

Life is short – PLAY!!

So many ways to play: singing, making music, board games, running outdoors, playing ball or making a sand castle – who says you can’t be a kid again? Bring back play!

Time flies when your kids are young, make the most of it. Get down in the dirt, play, sing, dance, run around and let your inhibitions go! As adults we all wish we were kids again and maybe we can’t live that carefree life anymore (forgetting about the bills and obligations) but, for stolen moments here and there, why can’t we… Cleaning and laundry and balancing the checkbook can wait just a bit – don’t stop to think who might be watching just run, make noise, play – your heart, lungs and mind (not to mention your kids) will love you for it!

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Car-tunes and Games

Singing in the car
Ready to hit the road!

Growing up with a Girl Guide leader mom, a Scout leader dad and 5 brothers and sisters there was never a shortage of songs and games to sing and play while travelling on our Sunday drives and vacations.

Check out the post links below to learn some silly songs and car games to keep the kids entertained on long road trips or just around the house when they (or you) need a break.

My girls and their friends still sing many of these songs (they are 15 and 21)! I am sure they will sing them to their children, when they have some. 🙂

I have even used many in my class to settle the room when getting a little noisy or to quietly move from one task to another.


game shelf
Part of the game shelf in our basement

Outdoor games, group games, card games, board games… You name it, we play it. Click the links below to see our reviews, rules (the real ones and some we have modified for additional family fun), and even some we have created ourselves over the years.


sparkler photography
Fun with sparklers!

Games and songs are great but there are so many other ways to have fun with your kids. Through the links below we share some of the activities and chaos that have helped our family make lasting memories.

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Are there songs, games and activities that your family enjoys that we have not yet tried or captured. Please tell us all about it in the comments below.

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